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When I Am Weak

고린도후서 12:7-12:13 본문보기


When I Am Weak
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Paul confesses that the power of Christ was revealed through his own weakness. This is his evidence of being a true apostle.
바울은 자신의 약함 속에서 그리스도의 능력이 온전히 드러났으며, 이것이 자신의 참 사도됨을 증거하고 있다고 말합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Paul boasts more about the thorns (weaknesses) that were given to him, rather than the many spiritual experiences he had. What the weakness (“thorn”) was in Paul’s flesh is not known. The Lord clearly refused Paul’s pleas to remove the thorn from his life. However, Paul says that the power of the Lord was demonstrated through his own weakness. He was glad and boasted of his weakness rather than being embarrassed about it (vv. 7-10).
If we consider the fact that miracles are a sign of a true apostle, then Paul performed many more signs and miracles in the Corinthian church than did the false apostles. However, unlike the false apostles, Paul did not seek for any commendations (gifts) from the church (vv. 11-13).
바울은 자신이 경험한 많은 영적 체험보다 자신이 받은 가시(연약함)를 자랑합니다. 바울이 가졌던 육체의 연약함(가시)이 무엇인지는 정확히 모르지만 주님은 그 가시를 제거해달라는 바울의 기도를 들어주지 않으셨습니다. 하지만 바울은 자신의 연약함을 통해 주님의 강함이 드러나게 되었다며 자신의 약함을 부끄러워하지 않고 오히려 기뻐하며 자랑합니다(7-10절).
바울은 사도의 표시인 표적과 기적만 놓고 보았을 때에 거짓 사도들보다 훨씬 더 많은 표적과 기적을 고린도 교회 가운데서 행했습니다. 하지만 거짓 사도들과는 달리 교회로부터 그 어떤 칭찬(선물)도 구하지 않았습니다(11-13절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Paul prayed to God three times that his thorn (weakness) would be taken away from him; but his prayers were not answered. Rather, Paul realized that the astounding answer from God was hidden, and yet he praised the providence of God. How are your prayers in your life? Pray that the plan of God will be completed within you, rather than falling into despair about your will (hope) not reaching God.
바울은 자신의 가시(연약함)를 없애달라고 하나님께 기도했지만 자신의 기도가 응답되지 않는 그곳에 오히려 하나님의 놀라운 응답이 숨어있음을 깨닫고 하나님의 섭리를 찬양합니다. 우리의 기도생활은 어떻습니까? 내 뜻(소원)이 하나님께 상달되지 않는다고 절망하기보다는 하나님의 뜻이 내 안에서 이뤄지기를 기대하며 기도하십시오.

Tip 1
12:9–10 My grace is sufficient. Paul says that God’s grace “is sufficient” (in the present tense), underscoring the ever-present availability and sufficiency of God’s grace, for Paul and for every believer, regardless of how critical one’s circumstances may be (To be continued in Tip 2)
Tip 2
(Following Tip 1) my power is made perfect in weakness. Paul was not allowed to speak about his heavenly revelations but he quotes Christ’s declaration (“My grace is sufficient”) to underscore that his earthly weaknesses would be the platform for perfecting and demonstrating the Lord’s power.


Prayer O Lord my God, let Your plans be completed within me!

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