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Futile Trust

이사야 30:1-30:17 본문보기


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Futile Trust
This passage is about rebuking Judah for putting its trust in Egypt to ward off Assyria. “Rahab” (v. 7) is a name that symbolizes Egypt (Ps 87:4; Eze 29:3) and at the same time means a mythical sea creature (Job 9:13; 26:12; Ps 89:10).

Who is God like?
Verses 3-7- He is on top of every situation and every result. Judah tries to rely on Egypt and turn to them for assistance, but God knows that they will only be met with humiliation. Envoys will go from city to city carrying gifts, but the people will not be able to receive any help. Check to see if you are not seeking help from people who are like Egypt. Do you want to trust in “Rahab the Do-Nothing” instead of God?

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 9-11- He calls the Israelites, “Children unwilling to listen to the Lord’s instruction.” This is because the requests of God and the greed of the people went against each other. How happy are you to listen to the Lord’s instructions? If you keep on trying to push the Word away from you, it means greed has consumed you. If we only want to listen to good things about ourselves and do not want to listen to warnings or rebukes, we are pushing God’s grace away from our lives.
Verses 15-17- When we are in trouble, we must trust in God to find strength, but the Israelites fled on horses. Before we run around trying to find safety for ourselves, we must first silently wait for the salvation of God with a repentant heart. We must faithfully wait upon the help from God.


I will only seek the solution to my problems by patiently praying to God.

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