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Whether by Life or Death, Whether in Chains or Free

빌립보서 1:12-1:26 본문보기


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Whether by Life or Death, Whether in Chains or Free
Even though Paul was in prison, he was happy that the gospel was being spread. What was more important to him than life and death was that the faith of the believers was growing and that Christ would be made known.

Who is God like?
Verses 13-17- He allowed the name of Christ to be spread successfully regardless of the situation of the apostle who was to spread it and the motives of the person. Paul was confident that God would be there from the beginning to the end of His salvation work (1:6). But those who spread the gospel in love and those who spread it out of selfish ambition with a desire to stir up trouble will each reap the fruits they are due (1Co 9:26-27).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 12-18- The only thing that made Paul happy was the advancement of the gospel. Regardless of his situation or the attitude of those who work with him, if the gospel was being explained and Christ was being preached, Paul was happy. He only played a small part in telling the gospel message and the story of Christ, and he knew that he was just a messenger delivering the message.
Verses 21-26- What was more important to Paul than life and death was the reason behind them. It would be good to be free from your body and be together with Christ, but Paul felt it was better to continue living for the believers’ progress and their joy in the faith. He did not consider what he would gain from living. He also knew that if he is being used according to their prayers, there could be a lot they can boast about when those prayers are answered. The gospel, Christ, and the believers these were what kept Paul alive. What is the reason that you live?


Help me to live a life for You and the gospel.

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