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The Race that has Not Yet Finished

빌립보서 3:1-3:14 본문보기


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The Race that has Not Yet Finished
Paul warns against the arrogant false teachers in the church and confesses that he is waiting for Jesus, who has called him to call Him once again.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 1-3- There were people within the church at Philippi who said that in order to be a true Christian one must be circumcised. But true circumcision is not made in the body that one can boast in, but in the heart by the spirit and boasting about Jesus who lives within you. Also, it is not about being selfish of what you want but being led by the spirit. What are the false teachings we have today that we must mention and repeat even if there is a risk?
Verses 7-9- For Paul, there was nothing he would exchange his knowledge of Christ or his relationship with Him in this world for. He did not just throw away or not pay attention to whatever he considered as a profit in the past, but actually made sure that it had no influence on his life. This was because Paul knew that he could only receive life through Christ. What is taking your focus off God so that your relationship with Him is not good and you are having a hard time believing in him? Make sure that you do not lose the most important thing in the world to keep your profit.
Verses 10-14- Unlike the false prophets who act as if they have already achieved everything, Paul runs as if he is in a race to win the prize and runs fiercely like a hunter who chases after his game. As one who has already been caught by Jesus, he put his past behind him and only longed for the day that Jesus would return and participated in the work of the cross. That was the only way he could know Christ and his resurrection, and the only way he could enjoy a relationship with Him.


As I am a body united with You, help me to continue on the road until the end.

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