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Like a Citizen from Heaven

빌립보서 3:15-3:21 본문보기


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Like a Citizen from Heaven
Paul says the false teachers who corrupt the church, have their mind on earthly things and consider their stomachs to be their god will be met with destruction. He encourages the believers that, as citizens of heaven, they should wait on the coming Lord.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verses 15, 16- Those who are mature know their weaknesses and run the race so that they can participate in the life of the cross. Paul acknowledged this truth and encouraged the people to put this into practice in their life. He tells them to not judge the faith of others and to have a faith to put into action what they have already attained.
Verse 17- Paul tells them to follow his example and take note of those who live according to the pattern given to them. This is not just blindly following the ways of a leader. Paul is telling them to follow his example as he follows Christ, and is also telling them to no longer trust in the body as he once did but to participate in the suffering of Christ (vv. 7-14). Is the message that you delivered being seen in the life you lead?
Verses 18, 29- Paul wept many times and earnestly warned the believers that the false teachers within the community are a great threat and fatal. There are those who live as enemies of the cross and bring doom to people. They do not consider Christ as God, but their stomachs as god. Paul told them to pursue the things of heaven, not the things of the world. If there are people you know who are turning away from the grace of the cross to find satisfaction in this world, shouldn’t you cry for them and warn them before destruction comes?
Verse 20- Even though the Philippians are far from Rome, they must live as citizens of Rome. Even though we are far from heaven, Christians must live as citizens of heaven and be bound to the Word. We are asked to wait for the coming Christ who will give us everlasting salvation. Where do you think your true home is?


Until the day that I will have a resurrected body, help me to live as a citizen of heaven.

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